Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Community + The Peony Project

When you think of a community, you may think of a unified group of individuals. Whether it be in a neighborhood, sorority, or even whom you consider your family.

I'm not exactly sure if the following qualifies but there are a few people that I feel unified with.

The first one I will mention is this guy right here:

My husband has been incredible! From the moment we met, he has given me 100% of his attention and has really been here to help me through many tough times. He has never judged me, even when I have done incredibly embarrassing things, and he even massages me when my back is in pain. I truly feel at home with him. The friendship we created, which led to dating, an engagement, marriage, and now parenthood, has really been what has kept us unified through the good and bad. Recently we encountered some bumps along our life road. Now, this has really affected me emotionally, well because I'm just an emotional woman! Through these trials, my hubby has really remained true to the communion we share and has done everything possible to lift me up and remind me that like all else, with God's help, we will get through this. I really don't know what I would be without my amazing husband. He is what I consider my community

Along with my husband,

I must also shine that spotlight on my parents...they have been incredible in every sense of the word. They have always been so supportive of my plans and dreams, no matter how crazy they may seem. They are truly great examples of what I hope to be for my daughter. When times have been difficult for my husband and I, my parents have always welcomed us with open arms and lent a helping hand. I will be forever grateful for everything they do for us and I'm glad they continue to be people we can lean on as part of our community.


I recently joined an awesome blogging community titled The Peony Project. In the short amount of time that I've been a part of this wonderful group, I have already felt at home. The Peony Project is a community for women who love Jesus, love blogging, and are looking for a common space to share ideas, encourage one another, and make real, honest friendships with one another. If you'd like to know more you can click here!

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