Thursday, September 25, 2014

2nd Trimester & High Risk

The second trimester is supposed to be when the morning sickness gets kicked to the curb.

Not so much in my case. I was still having regular visits to the E.R. and it was still hard to keep anything down. 

They recommended I take a test that would allow my OB to see if I or the baby we're at risk of any other problems. Due to the fact that I have a history of high blood pressure, I was already predisposed to having something else attached to it. 

Sure enough, test results showed that I was at risk of Pre-Eclampsia. My pregnancy was already labeled as high risk, but this just pushed that title further. 

Work became more and more difficult as I had more doctors appointments and I still felt quite ill. Although my boss was quite understanding, his patience grew thin and he began to show his annoyance of my situation. As my stress level from work and the pregnancy grew higher, my husband and I made the decision that it was time for me to leave work. Our baby was always priority #1 and there was no reason to continue having the stress of work on my shoulders. I had a fear of realizing too late that I could have done something to reduce any stress I had, (at least the ones I could actually do something about).

On a positive note, during my 2nd trimester, we found out we were having a baby girl!

I finally began to show a little more!

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