Thursday, September 25, 2014

1st Trimester & Zofran

Once I found out I was pregnant, all the sleeping made sense. What I was not excited about was the nausea. I do not understand why they call it "morning sickness". For me, it was an all day sickness. I could not keep anything down and was miserable. I remember having to wake up even earlier for work in order to fit in all the time that puking would set me back. While at work it was hard to keep it under control and now and then my manager would be so annoyed with seeing me run to the bathroom or basically have no color in my face that he would send me home.

I paid a few visits to the E.R. due to the fact that I was dehydrated and loosing all kinds of nutrients my body needed.
For my birthday I thought I was well enough to go to Vegas with my husband and parents. Well most of that time was spent hurling my guts as well.

Thankfully I was shortly prescribed the saving pill of Zofran! This pill was meant to help with all the throwing up although at this point it didn't take much effect, it plays a bigger part down the road. 

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