Thursday, September 25, 2014

3rd Trimester & Pre-Eclampsia

Ok so the 3rd trimester was deffinately the toughest! First I had to take the gestational diabetes test again and failed. This meant that I had to take a longer 3 hour test which consisted of me drinking a heavily sugary drink and having my blood drawn 4 times in those 3 hours. Thankfully I passed this time which meant I did not have diabetes.

I continued to pack on the pounds and heavily! Because I was at risk for pre-eclampsia, I began to see many signs that this was coming true. I would gain about 8 pounds a week of water weight. My legs became so huge it was hard to walk. Although I had a very lovely baby shower, that was about all the fun I had this close to my due date. My blood pressure started going through the roof and I began having contractions at week 30. Baby was positioned as well and I was dilated to 1cm for the majority of my last trimester. I will share the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy on an upcoming post. For now, I'll share a couple of nice shots from the baby shower.

Most of the baby shower was DIY

Burlap banner with baby's name is DIY as well as the ruffle garland in the back!

Drinking from Mason jars

Baby shower favors are candy filled painted baby food jars. Super easy and inexpensive!

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