Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Most Important Audition of My Life

My audition began the day my daughter was born.

I am auditioning for the role of my daughters’ best friend. Now that seems a little odd and some might throw the “You need to be the mom not the friend” stone at me. But truth is you can be both. 

My mother is my best friend. She has been an incredible example of an amazing and strong woman and I am incredibly grateful for her life. I have such an incredible relationship with my mom. As years have passed and as I changed from child to young adult to a wife and mommy, I have grown closer and closer to my mother and have realized how all along, she has been my one true friend. My mother always listened without judgment, but the Mexican mother that she is; she always had some good and strong advice to give me. Maybe during my teenage years, I might have been bothered by her opinion or advice but still I came to her whenever I needed guidance. I have such great memories of hanging out with my mom and to this day, I enjoy going out to a mall day with her or just hanging out at her house.
My amazing mommy and I on my wedding day.

 I pray and hope that my daughter considers me for the role of best friend. It would mean the world to me. And though I might not seem like the coolest person at the time, I will always make her my #1 priority. I will wipe every tear and cherish every smile. I will always have her best interest at heart. 

So to my daughter:

I promise to always be there
I promise to take you to swim, piano, voice, ballet and dance class and sit there through the whole class cheering you on.
I promise to drop you off at school and help you with your homework
I promise to kiss your boo boos when you fall and hold you tight when your heart is sad
I promise to teach you everything I know
I promise to love you more and more each day
I promise to be here to listen even when you don’t want to talk
I promise to strive to be the best mother possible and above all else, In a time when it has become harder and harder for parents, I PROMISE TO BE PRESENT.

 Te amo mi princesa.

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