Saturday, October 25, 2014

DIY: Simple Painted Pumpkins

For several years, I've been meaning to give this a try. I used to love carving the pumpkins but as time has gone by, I've been dreading the clean up more and more. In addition I also get irritated on how short the lifespan of the pumpkin is once it's opened.

I wanted to create something that I could display in my home as part of the fall decor through November so I gave these a shot.

Note this is my first time trying it so go easy on me.

Besides the pumpkin (duh), heres what you'll need:

  1. Your choice in glitter
  2. Acrylic paint, or any other craft paint you have lying around
  3. Mod Podge

I took a cup a loosely traced a circle on my pumpkin. I then proceeded to draw lines all around the pumpkin to add a little something extra. You can add your own design if you'd like! Once all your tracing is there, fill this in with your base paint, mine is white. Let the first coat dry and add a second coat

Once my second coat was dry, I painted on my design. I chose the letter A (for my daughter's name). Additionally I outlined my white design with paint color #2 (black). 

Once these coats dried, I not added the mod podge with a paintbrush to completely fill the letter "A". Once I had a sufficient coating on there, I sprinkled the glitter on to fill the area. After the are was covered, I carefully dabbed a bit more mod podge on top of the glitter to help it stay in place. 

I tried several methods of applying the glitter and this is the one I felt gave the best result.

And there you have your final product. Even with the drying time, this took me less than an hour! Happy Crafting :)

*Tip* to add a gloss to the rest of your painted area, coat with a light layer of mod podge.

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