Friday, October 31, 2014

DIY Coffee Filter Garland

This coffee filter garland has got to be one of my favorite crafts ever! I was able to use the garland for my baby shower and I kept it as decor for my daughter's room decor. I hope you enjoy this DIY project as much as I did! 

*Video instructions at the end*

You'll need:
  • Coffee filters (100)
  • food coloring
  • glass bowl (glass to prevent staining)
  • gloves (to prevent staining your fingers)

Fill the bowl with warm water about one third of the way and add your food coloring of choice. I used the same food coloring for 75 of the filters. You can make the color more intense by adding more food coloring or by double dipping your filters. 

For 25 of the filters I wanted more of a light brown color so I used black coffee to stain those.

Once you have the color you like in your water, add about 10 filters at a time making sure they are fully submerged.

The longer you leave the filters in the more intense the color will be. If you want extra intensity, or a different variation of the color, take out the filters, squeeze the water out and re-insert them in the water once more. 

separate the filters and lay flat to dry or you can also toss them in the dryer for about 7-10 minutes to dry them quickly. I chose to lay them flat to dry because well, I just didn't want to warm up the house with having the dryer running since I am in SoCal :)

For this next part you are going to need:
  • A needle
  • Thread, string or ribbon

For this small sample, I used thread but on the original garland I used ribbon. Stack the fully dried filters in order that you want them on the garland, make sure to interchange the different shades you dyed.

Place the needle with the string through the filters and scrunch in small sections, separate and adjust according to your liking.

All done! My garland with 100 filters was about 10 feet long. I hung it for my baby shower all the way across and use it for room decor for my baby now. 

(I lightened the color of the garland to match decor by leaving it out in the sun a couple hours.


  1. Those coffee filter garland came out great!! Found you at the hobnob which I am cohosting. Glad you could join us. I am also your newest follower..:)

    -Priyam !

    1. Thank you, Priyam! I am glad to be joining you guys and hope to stop by regularly :)

  2. Oh this is so adorable!! And it seems so easy too....I'll definitely have to try this in the near future! Found you via the Peony Project :)

  3. So very cute! Love the video too.

  4. That is so cute! You are very talented, and I plan on reading more of your DIY projects!!

  5. That is so stinkin' cute! It's so feminine and perfect for a little girl's room or a girly office space!
