Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Gaining self confidence & Believing in yourself

I really really enjoy social media! I love to post pictures on instagram (@hurrayimamommy). I love youtube and I enjoy Facebook.

I must admit that the only one I had stayed away from for all these years was Twitter you can find me under @hurrayimamommy  lol, anyway I do love me some social apps.

If you know me, then you also know that I enjoy anything related to beauty and hair, for goodness sake, I worked for a cosmetics company for 6 years! I've actually have been asked by friends and co-workers in the past, to create a youtube channel and start posting tutorials.

I never gathered up enough confidence to do it (start a blog and youtube channel) though and recently I figured out why.

I was afraid of what people would say. Specifically some friends. Its hard to admit but sometimes your "closest" friends and family are the ones who search to put you down the most. As if they don't want you to succeed. These friends and family are the ones that through the years, I have noticed only choose to include me or my family if it is to their benefit. I'm pretty sure that isn't the way its supposed to work out.

In the past I have had a lack of confidence because I have been judged for posting anything good that happens to me. For example, if my husband manages to buy me a purse for my birthday and I share this with "friends" then I get basically electronically stoned for bragging. If I share a make-up look I enjoy or fashion statement, then words are said behind my back. I've even been judged for showing too much Facebook love to my husband...are you serious?!?

As an adult and a mom, I now have come to realize that I have allowed people around me to dictate my happiness and success. I could have started doing what I enjoy so long ago, but I won't dwell in the past. This new version of me doesn't care for any Negative Nancys', Party Poopers' or Doubting Debbies'. This new version is going to give this a shot.

Years ago, I took private vocal lessons with an extraordinary woman whom I greatly admire, not only as professional but as a teacher and friend. During her class, she would do an exercise where you had to sing with your "big girl voice". If you did not manage to lose your shyness and bring this voice out, then she would help you feel like that "big girl" by putting a viking hat on your head. Yup, a Viking hat!

I encourage you to branch out and do what you've had in the back of your mind to do for so long. Be it create a Youtube video, take a class, teach a class, learn to dance, sing, etc. Don't let other people have control over YOUR life. Its yours and you CAN do it.

As long as I make my family proud, then I will continue to believe in myself and from this day forward, THE VIKING HAT IS ON!

(Thank you T!)

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