Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Why I Chose NOT to Read Pregnancy Books

I did a quick search on an online retailer and found roughly 49,000 pregnancy books and I read 0.

It's been 2 months now since I delivered my precious bundle of joy and as I look back, I do not regret the decision I made early on to not read any pregnancy books. The reason I chose to do this is really quite simple.

Early on in my pregnancy it was determined that my pregnancy would be considered "High Risk" due to the fact that I have a history of high blood pressure and after running some early blood tests, this was further confirmed. The results of the blood test showed that I was at a risk of pre-eclampsia.
time 18830944 of being admitted into Labor & Delivery

Being that this was my first pregnancy, everything was completely new to me. I must admit, it was also pretty terrifying to be told that you we're already at risks and would need to come to twice as many check-ups as other pregnant women.

I've heard that many pregnancy books touch base on things that "might" occur to you while you are pregnant and things that might not. You know, how to prepare for this and that.

I had a fear of literally not only having an even worse pregnancy because of the fears of thinking "what if this happens to me next " - but also fear of fearing my child. I mean, really, besides the first night home from the hospital, she hasn't been bad at all (do all parents say that?). Some books literally scare the life out of you with things your baby might do, or additionally side effects of the pregnancy and I wanted to hear none of it.

Unless my doctor told me it was something to worry about, I tried to just go with the flow.

I am an incredible over thinker. Is it a woman thing? You can sit there with one idea and literally overthink it in every way possible. I mean, when it comes to DIY projects and things such as that, it isn't that bad. But when it comes to overthinking something like an itch in my throat or the hiccups while pregnant, you can get weird and crazy ideas in your mind.

I mean, when it came to delivering my daughter, I felt mentally prepared and ready. Even with the almost emergency C-section scare, I remained calm. I really have to give all the credit to the fact that I was sure that God was taking care of me and his will was what was to happen. I knew he sent angels to watch over me and I had no need for a book (besides the Bible) to keep my A-game strong.

For my next pregnancy, I doubt that I'll read these books either. But for now, it's too early to tell...you know since you have all these intricate plans and well, babies just kind of show up and do what they want lol

Til next time :)

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