Thursday, September 25, 2014

Quick! Bun in the oven!

So we wasted no time to start a family. Well in all reality, I believe we waited 6 weeks, not bad!

We had talked about having a family and decided that we would put it in God's hands when he would allow us to be parents. That turned out to be rather soon. 

I knew I was pregnant mainly because I got sleepy! I don't mean regular sleepy when you stayed up late and could use a nap. I mean like I would get home from work and fall asleep until 9pm, wake up use the bathroom and go back down! That seemed a little odd but we hadn't taken a test yet.

We finally took a pregnancy test and it came back negative...I guess it was too early to be read on the test. That same week I got hired in as permanent to the job I was working. Part of the deal was that I needed to go get a physical in order to complete the hiring process. At the physical exam they mentioned that they needed to do a chest x-ray----no! I mentioned that although I was unsure if I was pregnant, I felt uneasy about having an x-ray until I was positive that I wasn't. They understood and mentioned that I can come back in a few days once I was sure.

Thank God I waited! I took another pregnancy test that same day and sure enough...PREGO!

We really were sooooo excited!

Here is my hubby being silly with the positive pregnancy test!

We obviously waited until the 1st trimester was complete before we shared the news with anyone other than close friends and family. 

We had Lindsey Lane Photography help us with our pregnancy announcement pictures!

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